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Don't give Up, Don't give In, for my God

is not through Blessing You!

We offer Bold Inspiring Apparel. Where we Empower, Enrich, and Encourage Women/ Girls that you’re “Forever Daddy Girls” be confident to “Know ur Worth” and for Married that “Divorce is Not an Option.”   May you be Single/ Widow/ Divorced or Married there’s apparel for you! 


LRM Mission is to Restore, Rebuild and Rekindle the Covenant of Marriage. Encouraging Couples to Submit, Serve and Satisfy one another by maintaining balance. In every relationship there may be times of Lack, when Needs are unmet and the Fantasy goes unfulfilled due to kids, jobs, ministry and daily activities. Encouraging them to be Willing to do the Work because “Divorce is Not an Option”.


All my Single Ladies we endeavor for you to Love thy Self, Know thy Self and Know Whose you are.  Don't settle or devalue yourself but Prepare yourself.  Let Go of past hurts and move forward expecting that The Best is Yet to Come!  We also carry an array of Honey Hush Nightshirts just for you.  


Join the Movement: We’re Inspiring the Nation to “Know Ur Worth” T-shirts, dresses are available for Men/ Women/ Boys and Girls.  "I Corinthians 6:20 You were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body."  #knowurworth #dontsettle #lisaricardoministries

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